compagnie conventionnée par le Ministère de la Culture - DRAC Centre - Val de Loire et par La Région Centre - Val de Loire.

French institute Jakarta
French institute Bandung
French Makassar Institute
French institute of Paris
Subsidies :
DRAC Center Val-de-Loire
Center Val-de-Loire region

artistic direction and choreography: Abderzak Houmi
dancers and performers: Erwin Mardiansyah, Irfan Setiawan, Krisna Satya, Siska Aprisia, Tazkia Hariny Nurfadlillah
light creation: Jean-Marie Lelièvre.
Sikap, which means "attitude" in Indonesian, is above all a meeting. A choreographer and five Indonesian dancers from the four corners of this gigantic transcontinental country are brought together by three French institutes in one of the most inspiring places of creation, the Nuart (art gallery located in Bandung). The particularity of this meeting lies in the desire to offer the other "his" dance. Some practice "piring", others "randai", or even "sewa" and "adok" ... Traditional dances very different from each other, they can be religious, spiritual, or even from combat. Inspired by everyone's body language, Abderzak Houmi offers in this piece a fusion of styles. In the same way that the choreographer breaks the codes of hip hop dance to develop movement, he shakes up the dance of these Five to put it at the service of a subject. The dancers embody the movements in their own way in a desire to express their being at all costs.